Sometimes people ask, why am I so driven to spread chronic wellness?

In 2005 I was bitten by a seemingly harmless little bug.

Within 10 days I developed severe neurological symptoms. It then took 8 years to get a proper diagnosis.

At my worst point I was barely able to walk more than a few blocks and I developed asthma-like symptoms that occurred even when I just walked briskly.

I was sleeping and minimum of 14 hours a day and even the most basic of daily tasks seemed insurmountable.

I suffered from severe memory loss for several years and, in the fall of 2013, got out of the NYC subway in my neighborhood of 10 years and was totally and completely lost and disoriented. It felt like I had early-stage Alzheimer’s symptoms. I couldn’t remember names, faces, conversations, familiar locations, etc., and I suffered from extreme, irrational, paranoia that wouldn’t allow me to leave my home.

I lost my Adventure Travel company as I could no longer do the activities I loved or properly communicate with my staff or clients. I lost my multi-family home and rental property as I had no income. I began to lose my mind. My life was falling apart and I didn’t know why.

Finally, in March of 2013 I received a proper diagnosis. I began treatment, most of which has been natural.

A little over a year into treatment I was able to hike to the summit of a 2,500 foot Mountain and back in 2.5 hours.

To learn more and to ask questions *LIVE* click HERE to find out when my next Live Webcast will take place and to register for it.

Then 3.5 years into treatment I successfully flew on the trapeze, did backflip dismounts, and was caught the first time I let go, with only minor dizziness. All of this is a major accomplishment for someone of normal health, let alone someone who experienced debilitating muscle fatigue when walking a few blocks and had virtually no short-term memory as there are a lot of commands to remember and follow. If you’ve ever flown on a trapeze, you know what I mean.

I’ve slowly been regaining my cognitive abilities and my energy as my brain has been healing from the severe damage due to years of constant inflammation caused by multiple infections contracted from the same tiny bug.

I attribute my “miraculous” recovery to receiving a proper diagnosis, finding the right team of doctors, and choosing the right treatments.

Once I received a proper diagnosis, I went in search of people who had completely healed themselves from chronic illnesses and regained all of their capabilities as I wanted to know what they did to heal. This is a strategy I also successfully applied in business for many years.

My own healing process has inspired me to share this information with the world as I know that healing from even the worst symptoms or disease is possible, with the right guidance. For info on Free Webcasts where you can have your questions answered *LIVE* click HERE.

Going through this process coupled with the statistic that 1 in 2 people currently suffer from a debilitating chronic illness (Centers for Disease Control) has made me passionate about sharing what I’ve learned … especially since this statistic only counts the people who are actually diagnosed.

So I’m excited to announce the launch of the Chronic Wellness Summits, where I will both be sharing my journey and bringing together some the top experts in the world to share the most up-to-date and cutting-edge information on the topics of chronic illness, health, and well-being.

Find out more and sign up here:

To learn more about the Free *LIVE* Webcasts Visit –

In the coming months I will be hosting more free online events & training programs geared toward supporting people in creating healthy, symptom-free, productive lives. Whether you’re working through a chronic illness or currently healthy and want to stay that way, this information will support you.

If what I’ve shared resonates with you *please share* this information, links, posts, etc. with your community. You never know who it may be helpful to as I know there are many people who aren’t talking about what they’re going through right now.

I know this because, up until this point, I haven’t talked much about this publicly, for a couple of reasons:

  • First because I lost a tremendous amount of my vocabulary, along with my memory, making it very challenging to express myself both in writing and verbally.
  • Second, because I have been judged harshly in the past by people that I’ve told, including clients who were rightfully concerned about my memory challenges.

I’m really excited to share my journey with you, along with the journey of many others, as I hope it will inspire and support you and the people around you.

My goal is to positively affect the health of a BILLION people worldwide. With your support I know we can do this! ♥ #ChronicWellness #BillionHealthy

Founder & Chief Knowledge Seeker


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