Lyme disease and other co-infections have historically been difficult to diagnose. That’s why the breakthrough testing process developed by Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, founder of the Sophia Health Institute, to diagnose lyme is such a significant discovery.

Tests such as the Western Blot look for an immune response in patients via their blood samples. Something that often doesn’t occur if someone has had Lyme for a significant amount of time as the organisms tend to hide in tissues vs. the blood stream.

“They’re in the fascia of the membranes — the sleeves around the muscles,” said Dr. Klinghardt in a Facebook LIVE video on September 9. “The internal environment of the blood vessels and so forth. In order to diagnose them, we would have to take tissue samples from that.”

Instead of taking tissue samples, Dr. Klinghardt has come up with a much simpler solution to draw the organisms out.

“(It) involves one hour of very, very deep body tissue body work where the tissues are squeezed and pushed and pulled to the edge of pain of the patient and then we collect the very first urine afterwards,” he said.

At the time of the video interview, Dr. Klinghardt and the Sophia Health Institute had conducted approximately 120 of these tests.

“We’ve had two patients that were negative,” he said. “That means we have the highest yield of any Lyme test so far with that. Our worst suspicions have come to be reality that pretty much every person that walks in our office has at least one type of Borrelia, at least one type of Bartonella, at least one type of Babesia, and maybe Anaplasma and other things as well.”

The test is providing conclusive answers to diagnose lyme for individuals who have been frustrated with false negatives amidst overwhelming symptoms.

Even further than that, Dr. Klinghardt and his team can provide treatment to these patients and then monitor progress by conducting the same test down the line.

“If we can still tease out microbes out of the tissues … (into) the blood stream … and then measuring in the urine … we’re not done,” he said. “We find, on average, treatment time is about nine months to a year and a half. We are only using herbal compounds that are prepared in a certain way and we see very, very good success rates with that and we’re teaching that in other places.”

This is truly exciting news for everyone in the Lyme community, especially those who have been needlessly suffering for YEARS without a proper diagnosis or a blood test to backup their symptoms.

Learn more about Dr. Klinghardt and the Sophia Health Institute at or you can follow them on Facebook.

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